Lightly solar powered clothespins illuminate city streets

Designers idan noyberg and gal bulka have designed the ‘lightly’ clothespin, a sustainable twist on an everyday item that lights up the cityscape in a sea of vibrant colors.

By simply securing the cloth pegs to hanging garments on the street, an internal system autonomously shines at night.

Each clasp has a small solar panel attached to the top of its clip, which collects sunlight throughout the day. By dusk, a sensor supplies a tiny battery pack with the cue to turn on, automatically illuminating the LEDs in color. The intelligent twist on an ordinary household chore adds a visual contribution to the streetscape while maintaining an environmentally friendly design.
water proof clips attached to a garment
by day, the clips charge from power collected from the sun
lighting up the streets at night with vibrant colors
the design adds color to the community
a simple electrical mechanism make up the LED component